
Choosing Intentionality over the Hustle

Working with intentionality can help make you a better creative. Here’s how.

It’s easy to get caught up in the hustle - gaining the big clients, racking up the likes and view counts, and feeling the dopamine rush when your work goes viral. But relentlessly chasing rewards or recognition while losing sight of your product’s worth can lead to creative burnout - and leave you feeling less than authentic.

Working with intentionality isn’t a new concept. From Japanese carpenters using a small box of hand tools to slowly and deliberately carve exquisite furniture, to business gurus worldwide beginning each morning with a mindful review of what they want to contribute to the world, tapping into your consciousness to work with intention has guided much of the world’s great work. But how do we learn how to do it...and then remember to implement it?

Choosing intentionality over just hustling is simple, really. It begins by realizing that what you want to contribute is more important than what you want to achieve. That isn’t to say accolades aren’t welcome - in fact, work created with intention tends to naturally be of a higher quality. But understanding that the work you put out into the world can change lives, influence choices and inspire is an important reminder of the responsibility we have as creatives to always aim to do our authentic best.

Here’s how you can begin to implement intentionality into your workflow:

Dive In Daily

Start every morning with a self check-in. What do you want to accomplish? What purpose are you aiming for? What are your intentions? Finding your “why” (and reminding yourself of it on the reg) creates focus and drive.

Decide Your Direction

Next, ask yourself: what do I need to do to work with purpose? What’s the goal behind the goal? Once you determine these, make a roadmap on how to achieve them. Establishing direction and creating drive can help you to better commit to your goals, focus up, and establish a positive headspace to facilitate achievement. Once you have your roadmap, stick to it. Be accountable.

Do the Thing

You’ve committed to your purpose..now time to get creating! The days can be long and the work can be hard, but when you have a meaningful reason for truly connecting with your work, creativity has more room to flourish and burnout becomes a thing of the past as you invest in a purpose beyond just yourself.

Finding connection to your work and setting intentions allows you to tap into a deeper well of consciousness and uncover the rewards of creating work with authenticity and meaning. By actively sticking to your daily intentions, you can invigorate your sense of purpose for a career - and life- with much more meaning.


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