
Growth and Success: Not the Same

Reframe your achievements and find better success.

Many businesses operate with the same way of thinking: we need to grow so we can stay competitive. The idea that growth is necessary is pretty standard; people think growth equals success, and if you are not growing then you must not be doing something right. But the size of your business isn’t reflective of its success - and most certainly not of its quality.

From a financial perspective, growth is good. But as creatives, we need to be cautious that our ambition to grow in scale doesn’t overshadow our ability to deliver. Growth and success aren’t the same thing - and checking in with yourself from time to time to see where you are on your personal and professional roadmap is always a good idea:

1. Ask yourself, “Why am I doing this?”

If your answer is simply “to get big”, then you may need to rethink. As humans, we want to feel purposeful and have clear goals and reasons for what we do. So many people (sadly) feel trapped in their professions, lost, and listless. They’re not passionate about what they’re doing, and the mental (and physical) toll is obvious: stress, depression, and anxiety to name just a few. Aiming to work with intent, however, gives your work purpose and meaning...and having purpose and meaning is success, no matter the scope - or scale - of your work.

2. Ask yourself, “What does my success look like?”

Success is unique to every individual, but one thing is certain: it almost always relates to happiness. This is why it’s so important to do your own thing. Find what drives you, what fires you up or what makes you want to jump out of bed in the morning...and do it. Whether it’s helping other people, changing the world, or just quietly creating - there’s great satisfaction in working with purpose for something you truly believe in. Working simply to scale up or grow in size has no meaning, and therefore no true satisfying outcome. It’s an empty pursuit. The key here is balance - we’re certainly not suggesting you throw in the towel and go to meditate on a mountaintop, but taking time for regular check-ins with yourself (and your values) as your career progresses, shifts - and yes, even grows - can help you to keep the nose pointed North.

3. Finally, separate growth from your values

It’s easy to get caught up in the race. Bigger, better, faster, more...it’s part of being a member of a society that values growth so highly. But here’s the thing: when you work with purpose, and do your work well - meaning you imbue it with your passion and a dedication to try your very best - that’s already a success. Conforming to the traditional growth-focused path has its benefits, sure, but when it comes to your happiness, your quality of life, and your satisfaction, it’s wise to remember that growth shouldn’t top  your list of values.

The path to success isn’t as defined as it once was, but when you aim to take a more holistic approach to your work, your values and your ambitions, the result is success - however you define it.


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